Armadillidium Vulgare Punta Cana are a specific locale of isopods from the Dominican Republic. They are characterized by their largely caramel and earthy color tones. These colors come in many types including gold, orange, brown, gray and many shades in between. Individuals can also have splotching, stripes or speckles.
Armadillidium Vulgare is a common isopod in the hobby these days and within the same class most people are referring to with the iconic term "pill bug" or "roly poly" since this species can conglobate or roll up into a ball. They are a beginner friendly species being fairly flexible in their needs and tolerant of a variety of environmental conditions. Armadillidium Vulgrare is a relatively outgoing isopod that can be seen exploring and moving about their enclosure at various times both day and night. A small or starter colony may be more reclusive, but if well cared for it won't take long for them to multiply and be more bold to move around in daylight.
A 6 quart gasket sealed storage bin or small glass aquarium is sufficient for a small starter culture. Standard or bioactive enclosures can be enhanced with natural botanical items to simulate the isopods habitat in the wild. This helps them feel secure which in turn promotes their natural processes like eating and breeding. Average room temperature around the mid 70sF will suit them just fine. A. Vulgare Punta Cana prefers a temperate climate with good ventilation. Around one third to half of the enclosure should have damp (not wet) sphagnum moss with the remainder being a bit on the dry side, but not completely devoid of some moisture. They will often migrate between moist and dry areas at different times of the day. A few pieces of cork bark strategically placed over some of the moist side will help retain the humidity levels and reduce the frequency of watering needed to maintain a proper moisture gradient.
Isopods are detritivores. Their primary diet in nature is leaf litter and decayed wood. Both of these should always be available in abundance. They will also happily consume any other decomposing organic plant or animal matter they come across. As such it is vital to supplement your isopods with other food sources on a semi regular basis. They enjoy food options like squash, radishes, carrots and other veggies along with commercial isopod powdered food like Repashy. They also need some occasional protein in their diets which can be things like freeze dried minnows, shrimp, fish pellets, dried insects and other protein based food sources. Be sure to feed these on the drier side as they can spoil quickly in humid environments and attract unwanted pests. Please also note as with most Armadillidium, this species has a reputation for eating live plants so consider this if they are to be used in any type of planted vivarium or terrarium.
Punta Cana isopods make an excellent clean up crew and offer a wide range of natural colors. They are easy to care for and a pleasure to watch as they scurry about and forage for food. Their fairly adaptable nature makes them ideal for a variety of enclosures from semi arid to temperate. If you're new to isopods or just want something that has numerous colors and patterns instead of one consistent theme, this is the isopod for you! Visit our store front to see our fantastic selection of isopods! Rare or common, chances are we have it.
Quick Facts
- Origin: Europe and Asia
- Classification: Armadillidiidae > Armadillidium > A. Vulgare
- Characteristics: Variable colors mostly caramel base with some random striping and splotching
- Average Size: 1/2" to 3/4" inch
- Activity level: Active both day and night
- Difficulty: Easy