Porcellio Bolivari


Porcellio Bolivari

Description Care Guide

Porcellio Bolivari is likely one of the most beautiful and elegant looking isopods in the hobby today. Their base color is a pleasant lemon yellow with the segments of the perion being separated with mottled dark striping. The edges of the skirt including the legs and antenna are white to off white. The intensity of these coloration factors can vary between individuals. The most brilliant colors typically show in sub adult to adult specimens. Porcellio Bolivari is considered intermediate to advanced in terms of care as they have specific environmental needs that must be consistently adhered to for their survival. They are also sensitive to stress and do not do well with big changes or being disturbed an excessive amount.

This is a larger Spanish porcellio with big males reaching on average 1.2 inches with females only slightly smaller. With that said, they need ample space. Males can be territorial and an off balance ratio of males to females can result in the females being "harassed" by eager males which causes stress and other potential issues. A sterilite gasket sealed bin or glass tank measuring at least 18-24 long by 12 or more inches wide is ample for a starter colony with some room to grow. Enclosures can be enhanced with natural botanical items to simulate the isopods habitat in the wild. This helps them feel secure which in turn promotes their natural processes like eating and breeding. The ideal temperature range for P. Bolivari is 68-78F. Slightly warmer is desirable if you wish to see a thriving culture that is active and reproduces faster. 

Moisture gradient and ventilation is where the potential challenging aspect of this species comes into play. They need a modest amount of moisture, but also an area or two that is dry to bone dry. Ideally if your set up is large enough, a few different areas that vary in this way can be beneficial. Such as having two separate moist corners and some dry area in between. They will often migrate between moist and dry areas at different times of the day to facilitate their biological processes as needed. A second layer of needs that further makes them a little more involved is that they need medium to high ventilation. This is easiest achieved with an enclosure that has some level of height up and away from the substrate. In the areas that are to be moist, the substrate can be a bit deeper which in turn retains humidity longer. A few pieces of cork bark strategically placed over some of the moist side will also help retain the humidity levels and reduce the frequency of watering needed to maintain a proper moisture gradient. They also seem to appreciate some stacked cork bark which gives them another dimension to regulate their moisture needs by climbing higher away from the substrate.

Isopods are detritivores. Their primary diet in nature is leaf litter and decayed wood. Both of these should always be available in abundance. They will also happily consume any other decomposing organic plant or animal matter they come across. As such it is vital to supplement your isopods with other food sources on a semi regular basis. They enjoy food options like squash, radishes, carrots and other veggies along with commercial isopod powdered food like Repashy. Being a Porcellio, they do appreciate some protein occasionally which can be things like freeze dried minnows, shrimp, fish pellets, dried insects and other protein based food sources. Be sure to feed these on the drier side as they can spoil quickly in humid environments and attract unwanted pests. It should also be noted it's highly recommended to have some form of calcium available at all times. As these unique isopods naturally occur in the limestone caves of eastern Spain, they spend all of their lives in such environments and the closer your set up can mimic their natural surroundings, the better your chance of success.

All in all Porcellio Bolivari is an absolutely amazing isopod and is among the few that can rightfully be refereed to as attractive in isopod terms. Once established with a proper and consistent care routine, they will breed readily and flourish. P. Bolivari is also unique in the fact that the females actually parent their broods. Young will cling to the underside or top of the female and only leave to scavenge and feed under her watchful eye. She will then collect them back up to move to a new location for fresh foraging. Taking young away from their mothers too soon will often result in their demise. Maturity is approximately 9 months from birth and the males are sexually dimorphic having larger overall body size with long uropods on their hind quarters.

Quick Facts

  • Origin: Eastern Spain
  • Classification: Porcellionidae > Porcellio > Bolivari
  • Characteristics: Bright coloring. Fast moving and delicate. Males are territorial. Protects and parents it's young.
  • Average Size: 1 to 1.2 inches at adult size
  • Activity level: Mostly active at night. Some day activity in large numbers.
  • Difficulty: Advanced

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