Porcellionides Pruinosus "Powder Orange"


Porcellionides Pruinosus "Powder Orange"

Description Care Guide

Porcellionides Pruinosus was among the first commercially available isopods thanks to their hardiness and flexibility with environmental habitats. They are close as you can get to "bullet proof" when it comes to isopods making them a hands down best choice for beginners and/or non traditional isopod set ups that may be more arid.

Powder Orange Isopods were derived from selective trait line breeding from their counterparts the powder blue. They have a soft fragile body and a velvety appearance and texture. The oranges can range from bright and vibrant to deep and rich. They are pleasantly daytime and night time active making them an excellent display species.

They are generally not shy at all and are quite voracious feeders. descending on a food source and devouring it as if it were their last. Basic husbandry for this species is stright forward and offers moderate flexibility. They thrive in humid or semi arid set ups so long as they have a nook that is consistently moist so they can rehydrate as needed. Just provide them a standard moisture gradient in their enclosure along with the typical isopod foods consisting of varied veggies like carrots, radishes, squashes and so on. They are fond of powdered isopod diets like Repashy Morning Wood and Bug Burger as well. Being in the Porcellio family, they are no exception in the fact that they relish protien based foods like freeze dried shrimp or minnows. Similar items like fish flakes, shrimp pellets and dried insects are also consumed readily. When provided with the basic care needs they will reproduce quite readily and potentially fast. To learn more beyond the very basic care parameters stated here,  see our full care guide for Porcellionides Pruinosus "Powder Orange" which has comprehensive expanded details for all care aspects of this rewarding and entertaining isopod!

Quick Facts

  • Origin: 
  • Family Classification: Porcellionidae > Porcellionides > Pruinosus
  • Morph Name: Powder Orange
  • Average Size: 1/4" to 1/2" inches
  • Activity Level: Highly active both day and night
  • Difficulty: Easy

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